All parents know that making the most of a Western education requires much more than hard work. Students also need to be resilient to stress, self-confident, open-minded, outgoing and self-motivated. Building this kind of mindset takes time, support and expert guidance. Our tutors provide much more than a simple academic focus. Their caring attention offers the perfect balance of support and challenge, helping each and every student to reach their own potential.
Our mentoring programs focus on:
- Stress-management and organisational skills
- Building self-confidence
- Independence and accountability
- Critical thinking skills
- Group work and socialising skills
- Public speaking and presentation skills
- Leading a balanced lifestyle

Making the move from a local school to a high-achieving international school can be a very challenging change. The high workload, new study-skills and level of independence required can all be overwhelming. Our mentoring programs provide essential support both before and during these changes in order to ensure students develop the skills and confidence they need and don’t feel left behind. At ITG we support students to:
- Overcome New Environment Challenges
- Learn Group Work and Socialising Skills
- Learn Presentation & Public Speaking Skills
- Build Self-confidence
- Develop Independence and Time Management skills

Simply winning a place at a Western university is no guarantee of success. Lower levels of Academic English as well as a lack of confidence and familiarity with Western study skills can seriously limit progress. This can be made worse by problems of social integration, where students prefer to stay with friends from their own culture. At ITG we support students to:
- Overcome New Environment Challenges
- Learn Group Work and Socialising Skills
- Learn Presentation & Public Speaking Skills
- Build Self-confidence
- Develop Independence and Time Management skills
- Develop a Western approach to learning
- Adapt to a new cultural environment